Speaker | International Festival of Learning | Human Skills in a Technological World | West Suffolk College | Bury St. Edmunds
28 Jun 19
The session will introduce participants to the principles and practical approaches that underpin the Joy of Not Knowing philosophy of education and of school leadership. Participants will be able to gain an understanding of why it is so good to not know and how this realisation through modelling has such a transformational impact of how children view themselves as learners and how they perceive that there no barriers to the process of learning.
Participants will be introduced to, and have a go at, a plethora of practical, evidenced-based, easy to implement initiatives that are designed to be incorporated as part of the everyday life of the classroom and taught during a Learning to Learn week that launches the academic year and equips all children with all they need to succeed as individuals, as lifelong learners and as global citizens.
Participants will be equipped with all they need to launch a Learning to Learn Week in their school, focusing on learning to learn models, critical and creative thinking, visible thinking and learning, philosophy and a philosophical approach to the curriculum, intellectual challenge and the lifelong learning dispositions as a problem-solving tool.
Participants will also be introduced to the JONK Model of Excellence and Enjoyment that provides practitioners with how to present the learning using eight realms that have been shown to have the highest impact on children's outcomes and emotional wellbeing.
Participants will have the opportunity to see how the approach has been designed to build on and enrich what schools are already doing and in accordance with each school's ethos, values, visions, priorities and dreams.
Participants will have the chance to explore a wealth of children's work that illustrates the impact that the JONK approach has on practice.