Marcelo will work with staff and pupils to get to know your school, your context, your successes and your wishes in great depth.
He will then produce an ideas report specific to your school based on the discussions from the day which will include suggestions of how to incorporate lots of exciting initiatives that build on what you are already doing.
Marcelo will then work with your staff and pupils to ensure that any new ideas or initiatives become introduced, established and embedded within the everyday practice and routine of the classroom, the school and partnership with families and the community.
The list below is an example of the type of conversations that can lead to your next step of school development and form the basis of the day’s discussions and activities:
Getting a whole school perspective
- Working to gather an understanding of the school’s aims and wishes
- Setting out the vision and aims of the school
- Discussing the priorities and school development plan
- What are the short, medium and long term goals of all the stakeholders
- Learning walk
- Informal chats with pupils, staff, governors
Thoughts and ideas for next steps
- Ideas for Culture linked to ethos and values of the school
- Ideas for Love of Learning linked to school philosophy of education
- Ideas for a Learning to Learn Week linked to curriculum approach
- Ideas for the MEE Model linked to teaching and learning strategies
- Ideas for Pupil Voice and MPTs based on pupil and staffing structure
Ideas for Challenge linked to school enrichment, home learning, partnership with families and links with the local, national and global communities